Saturday, March 19, 2016

View Of Sense ofan Ending by Julian Barnes

Throughout the book, Julian Barnes gives lots of remarkable insights into the patterns of life, aging and memory. I was halfway through the book before I realized I needed to be underlining those passages so they could be found more easily.
                            I do wonder a little about what she means when she refers to “blood money.” There only interpretation I can see that makes sense is that Sarah pays Tony to compensate him for the loss of Adrian. (This definition of blood money is payment by the murderer to the victim’s kin.) There is so little to tell us about Sarah and Adrian’s relationship, but clearly there was more to it than sex. She says Adrian spoke highly of Tony. She says Adrian’s last months were happy (can this possibly be true or is this Sarah’s own version of events?). Perhaps she sees this payment as a way to wipe away her guilt and Tony as the only party remaining she can plausibly make it to. 
           My interpretation of blood money is as follows:
1) Adrian never showed Tony’s vile letter to Veronica, but keeps it in his diary
2) Veronica, on her mother’s death, comes into possession of the diary and the letter and works out that Adrian and her mother had an affair, resulting in young Adrian. She refers to Mary’s £500 bequest to Tony as ‘Blood Money’ as his letter had pushed Adrian into the arms of Mary
3) I cannot work out Mary’s gesture on Tony’s departure from Veronica’s Chiselworth home. Two thoughts come to mind.
a) it is a gesture of w@nking – Mary overheard Tony’s second night’s jerking off into the bedroom sink
        b) It is a gesture of a ‘wipe out’ or ‘wash out’. Mary had expected to seduce Adrian – something Veronica, the Father and Jack were used to – and had failed: hence the gesture of defeat.

     The equation Means b =baby or young Adrian, s = Sarah, V= Veronica, a= Adrian. b = s – v x/+ a1 means, Young Adrian, b is a result of Sarah's relationship with Adrian (x/+) with breaking relationship with Veronica(-).
a2 + v + a1 X s = b? a2 means Anthony ( Adrian used to address Tony as Anthony) It says relationship of Tony with Veronica, and her relationship with Adrian. And Adrian and Sarah's relationship multiplies b means gave birth to baby or young Adrian.
                           In short,Adrian’s strange formulas now suddenly make sense. b = s – vx + a1 or a2 + v + a1 x s = b. The first formula doesn’t involve Tony, and seems to imply little more than Sarah and Adrian together in Veronica’s absence. The second does bring Tony into the equation, which is certainly the more important of the two.
It is clear in his last days Adrian was more close to Sarah, as she herself says that “Adrian was happy in his last days “it shows that Adrian was happy with Sarah, and she was with Adrian in those days. As Adrian and Sarah were in relation than it’s obvious that Sarah should have Adrian’s Diary. So until her Death Diary was in her possession and in her will she passed that Diary to Tony but Veronica was reluctant to hand it over to Tony.

                     Now, I think perhaps the reason why people are confused is because this doesn’t seem like much of a revelation. Perhaps you think you must have missed something, that a Booker-prize-winning novel must have something deeper to it than that. No, that’s it. At least, I’m pretty sure it is, unless I’m like Tony and just don’t get it at all...

                        Essentially, this novel is about remembering and the truth. There is no definitive answer as the truth changes dependent on the listener and the context. Tony believes that Adrian is Veronica’s son until he is told differently. When your read the letter, the part which tells Adrian to look to Veronica’s mother offers an explanation as to why Adrian is Sarah’s son. If you read the part which says he hopes Veronica and Adrian have a child that destroys them, it explains why Adrian committed suicide. It’s up to you which one you believe.

                        End of life with suicide here define that well sense. EM Forster tackles “muddle” and false memory extremely well in “A Passage to India” – to try to make sense of memories and the past can be profitable or delusional. As Forster famously said in “Howard’s End”, “Only connect.” The end of Barnes’ book shows us Tony trying to make sense of Adrian’s end, but also his own life as it nears its unsatisfactory ending. As a title, it seems to have so many appropriate connotations – possibly, contentiously, that Adrian’s decision to end his life makes sense.

                        If we consider Adrian who is suffering from mental trauma as Sara and Adrian’s son than veronica and Adrian are siblings .And we consider that Adrian, Toney’s friend who is suffering from mental trauma and has gone made than He can considered as step-father of Veronica.
In Last, This is book that can support multiple interpretations! 

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